Monday, March 8, 2010

Happily Ever After

Yes, I do read romances, and yes, I am happy in California, dammit!

And yes, it is helping to write down what was good about my day at the end of it.  It works.  You don't see me doing it so much anymore necessarily, but I'm in better practice these days in looking for the glimmer of goodness in each experience.

  • I ran into a colleague at lunch so we sat together and I found out he got hired full time after two years as a temp. He does a great job; it's a long overdue promotion to security.
  • My "Apricot Windows" tart from page 84 was amazingly delicious.
  • I finished my project that was a squeak away from being done when I went out sick. (Updating PROMIS DCOps for daily/weekly tasks, for those who know how painful that can be.)

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