Monday, July 28, 2008

Author Review

I've read Suz's Into the Fire and I loved it. It was the standard "format" of about several different story threads tying into one conclusion. The "spine" of the book was Murphy and Hannah meaning that they are the couple to get their happy ending. Other people in the book don't get this guarantee. (Something like if a mystery author finds 2 vic but only solves one of the two.) The other POV characters were Izzy, Sophia, Decker, Dave, and Eden. The troubleshooters are dealing with the aftermath of a previous tragedy and starts off grim. Izzy meets "the most beautiful woman in the world" and starts off on top of the world. Then these plots intersect and take on a life of their own. But for the first time ever in a Suz book, I kind of ignored part of the book to focus on Izzy. I loved his scenes and couldn't get enough of them.

But if you're reading this and wondering why I go on and on about Suz, here's an Author Review on another site that pretty well sums up her style and the good stuff she does as an author. I left a note in the comments too. Your mileage may vary, but I find few authors to compare with her.

Info about my trip to visit relatives will be forthcoming. Probably.

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