Sunday, October 25, 2020

COVID-19 is spread by Fascism

US readers: *Vote Biden/Harris & downballot Democrats or be prepared to require a civil war*  No, I am not kidding or being hyperbolic  Vote early to maximize success. Even if your state doesn’t have “early voting”, they might, like MO, offer “in person absentee voting”. Choose one of the reasons listed to tell the poll workers, and vote Dem.

My aunt in Florida asked me why covid seems to be hitting harder in the North. This blog is my response. I may get around to linking the articles where I got the info - the specific info is all from articles I retweeted if you want to brave Twitter search before I get to it. The more general news about fascism and ant-masking is more from distilled news, but read books (Hiding in Plain Sight) or listen to Gaslit Nation podcasts by Sarah Kendzior if you want citations sooner.


Ironically, wealth. Most of the early spread was due to rich people flying the world for ski vacations. So it spread where rich people flew. The other thing is Murdoch propaganda outlets like Fox News in the US, UK, Aus undermining truth in news for decades. All the countries with the most fascistic leaders, like here & Brazil who have chosen to make “not wearing masks” loyalty tests instead of “wearing masks” are doing badly. 

Covid-19 hotspots depend a lot on government response, local compliance, and spread. Where the virus has landed in Africa, shows us this. The places hit hard by Ebola a few years ago have very little spread. The places that don’t push germ theory & masking are hit harder. But Africa has a lot of places doing well because they have practice fighting off contagious disease, and had fewer rich travelers during ski season, and took the warning seriously. Unlike Peru where there are lots of tourists but many poor people without a proper pandemic response team. 

Indian slums are faring better than most US states because the government provided paid for testing & room & board for quarantine and once it got out that people came back from quarantine, they had good compliance.  South Korea ramped up testing and mask wearing fast and quashed community transmission. Island nations are taking quarantine seriously. 

The places where there’s most resurgence are where wealthier people who aren’t used to being told “no” decide they’re over the pandemic & go to places that can’t/won’t pay for or insist on PPE like masks or distancing. Or where teachers (ahem) are threatened with job loss for not teaching in person in places where community spread isn’t contained enough or tested enough for schools to be safe. 


So that’s it. People who want to pretend the pandemic is over are being allowed to engage in contagious behaviors by countries who don’t take the threat seriously. The US under Trump & a GOP senate is so far the worst. With a competent president AND a congress where the GOP doesn’t treat Democrats as illegitimate actors, and absent Fox News not being force fed to millions of viewers, the US would be leading the global response, not failing it most spectacularly. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Listen to Your Body

My alarm goes off. My body says, “stay in bed; sleep more.” I will be fired if I listen.

I need to shower before work. My body is cold and says, “let’s stay dry”. I do not listen. 

I have to eat something now or wait for lunch. My body says “I’m not that hungry.” I do not listen.

My brain is foggy in the morning but I have to work. My brain says, “later would be more efficient.” I do not listen.

Lunch comes an hour before I get hungry. My body says, “don’t eat yet”. I dare not listen. 

I have a meeting. My body & brain say “we’d like a walk. Or a nap.” I don’t have time to listen. 

I’m thirsty. My body says, “something sweet would be best.” I brew my tea and do not listen. 

It’s time to leave work. My brain says, “but we’re just getting efficient at this! Stay.” Sometimes I listen.

Now is when I have time to exercise. My body says, “I’m depleted, let’s not.” I try very hard not to listen.

On good days the exercise can feel ok after I warm up. Most days, my body says, “this is uncomfortable; I am sore.” I do another set or lap before I listen. 

Now I am hungry, but I need to make or acquire dinner. My body says, “snack first!” I do not listen.

I measured my food. I have plenty. My body says, “That’s not enough, I’m still hungry!” I may have a glass of water but I do not listen.

I start on a hobby & get lost in pursuit. My brain never says, “I’m tired” at night, so I don’t even try to listen. 

My timer dims my lights. My body & brain are still alert but I need to sleep. I say, “calm down, let’s rest now.” They do not listen. 

Headlines advise, “listen to your body!”
When would I have learned to listen to my body?
I have never been allowed to listen.